Gaia Yellow Vietnam Review

my review of gaia yellow vietnam

Lately I’ve become quite fond of Kratom and trying out all different strains. I’ve mostly stuck to red veins but on this recent order from Gaia I threw in a few curve balls, including a strain called Yellow Vietnam. I had no idea what Yellow Vietnam was but the name caught my eye and I went for it. It sounded intense, like it carried the heaviness of the Vietnam war deep in its roots.

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Gaia Super Green Malay Kratom Review

gaia super green malay kilo

Gaia Botanicals boasts an impressive variety of Kratom strains. Recently I purchased 3 different types, one of which was their signature Super Green Malay. Alongside the SGM I also got Red Dragon (read review here) and a Red Maeng Da.

Both the Red Dragon and the Red Maeng Da blew me away and I assumed the SGM would also. After multiple doses and attempts to find a dose that agreed with me, I concluded that this particular batch was not for me.

Read moreGaia Super Green Malay Kratom Review

Gaia Red Dragon Kratom Review

red dragon kratom from gaia botanicals

As part of the July 2018 Giveaway I ordered a bunch of Kratom from Gaia Botanicals. It had been a while since I experimented with Kratom so I was stoked to finally get the order in, and to take a healthy dose of course.

I ordered 5 different strains of varying colors. I got some green, red, and white veins. I’ve never tried white before so I figured I’d throw in a white vein for good measure.

With all this Kratom layed out I had to decide what strain to take. It was early in the evening, I was fairly exhausted from a long bike ride and a long day at work. I knew it had to be a red but which one? I had Red Bali, Red Maeng Da, and Red Dragon…there were many to choose from.

…But with a name like Red Dragon I had to give it the first honoring.

Read moreGaia Red Dragon Kratom Review

Full Investigative Review of Bulk Supplements


2020 update from the author: This post was originally written in 2018. I wrote it promoting Bulk Supplements as an affiliate. I can no longer in good conscience recommend this article as a reliable source of information regarding the quality of the products or the legitamacy of the company. I will be leaving the original article intact, so tread carefully. Depending on what supplement you are looking for, there are more reliable companies out there, like Nootropics Depot.


Bulk supplements is another popular vendor in the nootropics/supplement industry. With the rise and fall of Powder City, nootropics enthusiasts have scoured the internet in search of high quality products and powders. Bulk Supplements has filled the gap by providing an impressive selection of nootropics powders at prices you simply can’t find anywhere else.

Read moreFull Investigative Review of Bulk Supplements Protection Status