Using Kratom for your depression

Kratom is a plant native to Southeast Asia and has found its way across the world into the hands of people with serious illness and disease. Most notably, Kratom has been successfully used to taper off hardcore prescription painkillers and heroin. While Kratom has not yet been accepted into the mainstream, it has reached legendary status in its impressive circle of supporters.

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Gaia Super Green Malay Kratom Review

gaia super green malay kilo

Gaia Botanicals boasts an impressive variety of Kratom strains. Recently I purchased 3 different types, one of which was their signature Super Green Malay. Alongside the SGM I also got Red Dragon (read review here) and a Red Maeng Da.

Both the Red Dragon and the Red Maeng Da blew me away and I assumed the SGM would also. After multiple doses and attempts to find a dose that agreed with me, I concluded that this particular batch was not for me.

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