
If you’re interested in Nootropics, Kratom, or self medication, I have a number of published paperback books available. (In order of publication date.)

Kratom – A Glass Half Empty

Quitting Kratom Book

This is my debut book detailing my journey in and out of the world of Kratom. Quitting Kratom was a big struggle and the book is essentially a memoir of my time using Kratom and my eventual decision to quit. I dive deep into what really flipped the switch and allowed me to give up the green Kraken for good. There’s also an extensive section on supplements I found to be useful during the quitting process, and how I managed both the physical and psychological withdrawals. There’s not too many books of this nature available. Since its release the book has received more positive praise than I expected. I wrote it to extend motivation and power to bury the Kratom and place it firmly in the rear view mirror of your life – for good!

Available on Amazon

The Big Book of Kratom

The Big Book of Kratom

The Big Book of Kratom departs from my first book and offers more of a general look at Kratom. It’s a user manual of sorts written for new people getting into Kratom perhaps for the first time. I present an objective look at the substance and offer both sides of the story. Where my first book speaks to individuals addicted and well acquainted with Kratom, this book is aimed at the new user who wants absolutely all the available information. I break down its history, the meaning of strains, how much to take, finding good batches, what it feels like, and of course the benefits and pitfalls of sustained usage. It goes deep into the potential downsides but also recognizes the value of Kratom for people dealing with chronic pain or other condition. The whole idea is laying it all on the table so you can make a decision of whether or not Kratom is worthy of further exploration. The book sets itself apart by shedding a lot of light on both sides of the coin. It doesn’t try to sell you on Kratom, nor will it dissuade you from using it. It’s up to you based on how you interpret the raw facts. Should you decide to use Kratom, the book is the ultimate guide to dosing and integrating it into your life.

Available on Amazon

Nootropics and Research Chemicals – Memories From a Lifetime of Self Medication

Nootropics Book

A must read for any student of Nootropics and self medication. This is my memoir from a decade steeped in the Nootropics industry and trying everything under the sun. It’s ultimately a journey through years of bushwacking my way through crippling Depression and anxiety. I detail my experience using some of the worlds most esoteric and interesting Nootropics and research chemicals. Any self medicator will recognize themselves in many of the stories, and you’ll certainly have a laugh along the way as I begin to recognize the futility of much of my experiments.

Available on Amazon


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