Take a break from everything

Photo credit: sick pea deviant art.</>

I saw an interesting post on AskReddit today. The question was simple:

Would you stay in an isolated room for 30 days with nothing but food, water, and a toilet for 5 million dollars?

On the surface it seems like a no brainer. OF COURSE you would. When you start to dig deeper though, you realize the challenge is much harder than you would assume. Solitary confinement has been well studied and the effects to the psyche can be catastrophic. Complete isolation and sensory deprivation leads to a host of psychological problems including psychosis, hallucinations, increased risk of suicide, anxiety, and panic attacks. These symptoms can crop up in as little as 3 days. In other words, it’s much harder than you think it would be. Oh yeah, no clock to tell the time and no windows! I’m going stir crazy just thinking about it now.

Read moreTake a break from everything

Anxiety Management 101 For The Modern Millennial


In this post I’m going to crack into a few tactics and mindset shifts you can use to combat anxiety. Like most people, I’ve dealt with my fair share of anxiety and still experience a good amount to this day. It has however become manageable to the point where I have tipped the scales in favor of enjoying most moments rather than living in fear of them.

Read moreAnxiety Management 101 For The Modern Millennial

Nootropics For Exercise AKA BANGERS!

Dogger in serious need of a couple bangers

Spring time is around the corner and summer is slowly approaching. That means pool parties, girls, going to the river, the beach, and generally wearing less clothes as the sun slowly bakes you to a golden crisp. When you gracefully drift down the river or lounge in the pool, will you be looking like a golden chiseled God or a floating turd?

Read moreNootropics For Exercise AKA BANGERS!

Full Investigative Review of Bulk Supplements


2020 update from the author: This post was originally written in 2018. I wrote it promoting Bulk Supplements as an affiliate. I can no longer in good conscience recommend this article as a reliable source of information regarding the quality of the products or the legitamacy of the company. I will be leaving the original article intact, so tread carefully. Depending on what supplement you are looking for, there are more reliable companies out there, like Nootropics Depot.


Bulk supplements is another popular vendor in the nootropics/supplement industry. With the rise and fall of Powder City, nootropics enthusiasts have scoured the internet in search of high quality products and powders. Bulk Supplements has filled the gap by providing an impressive selection of nootropics powders at prices you simply can’t find anywhere else.

Read moreFull Investigative Review of Bulk Supplements

Absorb Health Vendor Review | Investigative DEEP DIVE

My full review of Absorb Health

A while back the nootropics industry took one of its biggest hits ever when the largest supplier of nootropics closed its doors. Powder City was once responsible for the lions share of nootropics sales until they were crushed by a lawsuit they could not recover from. Nootropics enthusiasts including myself began to scramble for other trustworthy vendors who sold high quality nootropics compounds.

Read moreAbsorb Health Vendor Review | Investigative DEEP DIVE

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