These days it’s rare to meet a person without some form of anxiety. Everybody walks around with a low level cortisol drip feed. We’re anxious about what people think about us, we’re anxious about bills, we’re anxious about social interactions, and even small things produce disproportionate amounts of anxiety in us. we just live in very anxious times. This isn’t how I wanted to live my life. In fact, anxiety is the reason I stumbled across nootropics in the first place.
After a year of experimentation I can confidently make a recommendation to you. The following list contains a handful of nootropics to tone down your anxiety and put you in a state of calm relaxation.
L-Theanine is perhaps the most accessible nootropic on the market. It’s fairly benign and well studied. It’s a compound found in green tea and proven to put the brain into a relaxed state. L-Theanine modulates Alpha brain waves. Alpha waves in the brain are associated with heightened states of calmness. This means L-Theanine induces a state of calmness within the mind but does not make you drowsy. This is a rather unique aspect of this nootropic. Many drugs prescribed for anxiety aren’t without side effects like drowsiness and impaired motor function. L-Theanine is completely safe and a formidable opponent to tackle your anxiety.
The study above uses a dose of 50mg but I recommend taking at least 100mg. On extra stressful days 200mg is a nice dose.
Another heavy hitter in the anti-anxiety department. I’ve discussed Aniracetam in length in other posts and it’s one of my favorite anxiolytic nootropics. It puts me in a very calm state of mind I can only describe as spacey. It shuts down my logical thought processes and puts me in the moment. Anxiety for me and many people is caused by the non stop chatter in our brains. Anxious people tend to be worst-case-scenario type thinkers. They dwell on the future and anticipate failure, embarrassment, or other plunders. If you can shut these thoughts off the anxiety goes away.
Aniracetam calms the chatter in my head and allows me to move through the world without over thinking every little detail. It’s also a very visual nootropic. The world becomes much brighter. Almost as if someone behind the scenes was adjusting the brightness levels of the world around you. Music is amazing and the right music can really put you into a state of complete relaxation.
Aniracetam also has studies proving its effectiveness for anxiety and even for depression as well. Double whammy! Anxiety and depression can often times be very synergistic with each other. It’s not uncommon to experience both these neuro disorders especially in todays strange culture.
5-HTP is can be very effective for some while ineffective for others. For me, 5-HTP knocks me out and I sleep deep. Truly powerful stuff. I reserve this stuff for the nights where I can’t fall asleep. Sleep is crucial not for the moment but for the next day. The plants of tomorrow are planted with the seeds of today. A restorative nights sleep will do wonders for your cortisol levels and level you out for a great next day. Pick up a bottle and see if it helps.
Magnesium oil
When you’re stressed the body rapidly blows through any extra stores of magnesium available. The thing is, there isn’t a whole lot of magnesium to go around these days especially if you have a poor diet. And even if your diet is on point (fruits, veggies etc) foods of today lack the quality of foods from the past. We’ve depleted our soils to the point where foods contain very little of this crucial mineral. Low magnesium levels are responsible for a host of problems including, you guessed it, anxiety. Magnesium oil is preferred over pills because it’s easily absorbed through the skin. Pills must be digested through the intestines and they lose a lot of strength along the way. Magnesium oil ensures you get a heroic dose of what your body has probably been craving for a long time.
Crazy to think that you’re one mineral away from feeling normal again. Here is an interesting read on a couple scientists using magnesium oil to treat anxiety and major depression with positive results.
L-Tyrosine is an amino acid crucial for the production of dopamine. Low dopamine has been linked to both depression and anxiety. Low dopamine is caused by genetic deficiencies as well as psychological disorders. Your thoughts effect your emotions which feed into the systems that produce dopamine. Low dopamine then causes more cycles of negative thoughts and depression. Boosting dopamine through the use of supplements like L-Tyrosine can reverse this negative loop and calm you down.
B Complex
Last recommendation is a B complex vitamin supplement. The B Vitamin group of nutrients are so crucial to brain function. A deficit in just one of them is setting you up for all kinds of problems including anxiety. This is the bottle I use and it also includes a healthy dose of vitamin C. B vitamins are a staple for mental health and can’t be overlooked.
Used as part of a holistic healing process, nootropics and supplements can help you along your journey to calmness. No matter what makes you anxious you have a lot of options available to you. Good luck to you my friend and happy dosing!
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