The Beginners Guide To CBD

Photo credit:rafaelreverte

The year is 2018 and what a year it has been for technology and Cannabis. As of this writing 9 states have legalized Cannabis for recreational use and 30 have passed legislation for medical purposes. Yes, the monkeys of planet earth have come a long way since the reefer madness days. Even my sweet Christian mother is open to the idea of other people using Cannabis and understands the medicinal aspects of the plant.

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How SITSA Is Going To Effect Kratom, Nootropics, and RC Drugs

The United States government is at it again with their archaic logic and actions regarding our right to choose what we put in our bodies. The SITSA act aka the “Stop the Importation and Trafficking of Synthetic Analogues Act of 2017” is the latest act put forth by the dinosaurs in the House of Representatives. The act proposes an amendment to the ancient Controlled Substances Act of 1970, an already outdated act responsible for the incarceration of millions of non-violent drug offenders, and billions of dollars wasted.

Read moreHow SITSA Is Going To Effect Kratom, Nootropics, and RC Drugs Protection Status