Neo Modafinil Vendor Review

my review of Neo Modafinil
Product from Neo Modafinil

A few months ago I ran across a thread on Reddit. The user wanted to know if Neo Modafinil was a legit Modafinil Vendor or a scammer. Shortly after I was contacted out of the blue by the company asking if I’d be willing to recommend their products. I said I’d be happy to if they would send me product samples. This is the process I put all companies through before I start recommending them to subscribers.

Most companies happily oblige and send me a small sample of their Modafinil. Neo Modafinil was the only company who sent me all 4 of the main versions of Modafinil. They sent me samples of Modalert, Modvigil, Waklert, and Artvigil. I was surprised to see such a bountiful sample pack.

This right away painted the company in a good light, at least for me. They were willing to send away lot’s of product without being cheap or stingy about it. I spent the next week testing the stuff. My test for Modafinil is very easy. Having experimented with the compound many times I can quickly deduce whether or not the product is good. My first test is chewing the tablet. Modafinil has a signature unmistakable taste you can’t miss. My second test is noting markers for things like wakefulness and mood enhancement. My third test is the urine test, Modafinil when it leaves the system produces another unmistakable odor.

Finally, any decent Modafinil will keep me up through much of the night. Even if I take the Modafinil early in the day it will surely produce insomnia later in the night. This is largely a pain in the ass but I haven’t found a way around this side effect except for taking a sedative of some sort like Etizolam. I don’t however like overloading my brain with too many chemicals at once. One way I’ve found works is simply halving the tablet and taking a 100mg. 200mg is probably too much for the average person and you can save a lot of money taking a half dose, and increase your chances of getting a restful nights sleep.

I can say the product from Neo Modafinil passed all of these tests. It is good stuff indeed.

One cool thing about the company is they accept credit cards. You see many Modafinil companies moving to strictly Bitcoin but somehow Neo Modafinil is able to process Visa and Mastercard. This is a great option if you don’t want to haggle with cryptocurrency to pay for your goods.

As far as shipping times go it’s pretty much a standard 1 – 2 week wait time. All Modafinil comes from India and must pass through customs before it is passed on to you. In the case of the United States, packages can stay in customs for up to a week before they are approved. Nevertheless, I’ve never had a problem ordering Modafinil and packages always arrive within the 1 – 2 week time frame. 1 week would be lightning fast delivery in my opinion.

Overall I can give Neo Modafinil the Gonootropics golden seal of approval. They’re a great company who ships high quality Modafinil.

Check them out here.

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