Peak Nootropics Review

Peak Nootropics

I get emails and comments on my Youtube channel from readers who want to know where to buy nootropics. These days, finding a reputable vendor is hit or miss unless you’ve walked through as many fires as I have. Having bought my fair share of bunk nootropics, I know which vendors are trustworthy and which ones aren’t.

Peak Nootropics is a vendor I’ve been buying from for over a year. Time and time again their nootropics have been consistent and they’ve always arrived on time. I’ve seen many vendors pop out of nowhere and everyone gets excited. Months later you go to their site and they’re out of stock, you can’t get in contact with anybody, and the next day they’re gone.

Nootropics vendors come and go but Peak Nootropics has seemed to stand the test of time. In this review I’ll explain why I choose Peak Nootropics as my primary vendor and why you should strongly consider purchasing product from them.

Lab tested analysis

Peak Nootropics subjects all of their powders to independent third party testing to ensure quality and purity. This is the most important criteria when selecting a nootropics vendor. The last thing you want is to ingest a strange research chemical. It happens more than you think. As a member of the nootropics community I’ve read stories of customers ordering product from a vendor and getting something completely different. Not good.

Peak Nootropics has their certificate of analysis posted directly on their site and continually tests their product.

Fast Shipping

Peak nootropics is based out of Houston Texas and nootropics generally arrive withing 2 – 3 days in the U.S. Expedited shipping is available if you need your nootropics faster. Shipments come securely packaged.

Customer Service

I’ve only had to call them once to change an order but they made the switch right away. Maybe I got lucky but I was able to get them on the phone the first try. This is pretty rare as far as customer service is concerned. Usually you have to wait through a series of “special messages” and terrible elevator music.

Being a small company in a small niche allows them to deliver much better customer service than larger companies.


Their selection of nootropics is impressive. Before I found them I was forced to order what I needed through multiple vendors. Some vendors had certain nootropics I wanted but not a single one stocked all of my favorites. As you know, I’m a big fan of Piracetam, Aniracetam, Sulbutiamine, L-Theanine, and a number of other nootropics.

I don’t have to hop around between vendors to get the nootropics I need. Peak Nootropics has all of them and I can order in one fell swoop.

Bulk Powder Nootropics

Hands down, Peak Nootropics sets the standard for bulk powder nootropics. While they are lacking in capsuled nootropics, once you start getting serious you don’t want the capsules anymore. Bulk powder nootropics save you a ton of money and you can dial in your doses with the help of a scale.

A sack of nootropics lasts me months. A bottle of capsules is expensive and they don’t last nearly as long. Bulk is where it’s at and Peak Nootropics has plenty of raw powder to go around.

Money back guarantee

If for whatever reason you are not satisfied Peak Nootropics offers a 100% money back guarantee on your order.

Final Thoughts

Peak Nootropics is a great vendor and they get the Gonootropics seal of approval. I have a ton of their powders sealed up and sitting in my cabinet as you read this. I’m both a user and a big fan of their powders and do not hesitate recommending them to by readers.

Check out their site for more info and happy dosing! Thanks for reading this review.

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Julie Nogler
Julie Nogler
3 years ago

why does this go to Pure Nootropics instead of Peak?

Julie Nogler
Julie Nogler
3 years ago

They are shutting down?????

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