Best Nootropics Stack For Studying, Focus, and Energy

Today I’m excited to talk about another one of my favorite nootropics stacks. This is a stack tolerated fairly well by many people and one of my go-to staples for studying, focus, and sustained energy.

Because who couldn’t use a little more of that? I knew going in to the creation of this stack I needed to hit on a few core components:

  • Memory and focus
  • Energy
  • …and an effect I call sit down, shut up, and get to work

For memory and focus I turned to my staple nootropic Piracetam. Piracetam is the Godfather nootropic and for many good reasons. Your mental faculties get ramped up and your ability to hold multiple pieces of information in working memory is boosted. Piracetam has compounded effects and best used over time. The effects of Piracetam are also not limited to the duration of use. You’ll notice an easier time recalling information days after cessation and summoning the right words is a breeze.

For me, I used to feel like I knew what to say but couldn’t find the words fast enough. This led to others finishing my words for me or dominating conversations while I fumbled around in my brain for something funny or relevant. Piracetam has remedied this problem and I couldn’t be more grateful. Highly recommended stuff.

For raw mental and physical energy I turn to another one of my staples – Sulbutiamine. Sulbutiamine is a synthetic version of Vitamin B1 and readily crosses the blood brain barrier. The energy you feel is very natural. It’s not a dirty energy like caffeine or other stimulants. Vitamin B1 is mainly responsible for converting carbohydrates into energy. Because of this, I like to take Sulbutiamine with a big bowl of fruit. This is a hidden double whammy. Not only will Sulbutiamine convert this food into raw energy but the glucose from the fruit is one of your brains favorite fuels.

No studying stack should be without a bit of carbs and sugars. Back in highschool I remember they would hand out snacks for the SAT testing but only AFTER we finished the test. It was the dumbest thing ever. They should have been feeding everybody tons of fruit and dosing us with this stack.

Moving right along the next core nootropic in this stack is L-Tyrosine. While more of a supplement, L-Tyrosine is crucial amino acid responsible for the production of dopamine. Dopamine is going to amp up your motivation and calm you down significantly. In fact, L-Tyrosine is a great energetic supplement and can even help with anxiety. L-Tyrosine is a calm energy. It’s not a supplement you’re going to take and start bouncing off the walls. It’s that “sit down and do the work” type of energy.

I’m noticeably less fidgety and more able to sit down for long periods of time. Of course, please get up and stretch from time to time if you sit down a lot. You may notice most of my videos are shot outside. I sit down a lot so towards the end of the day I get out of the house and go for very long walks. There’s something about walking that calms the mind and allows ideas to bubble to the surface. I would recommend walking to anybody.

The final nootropic to round out this stack is good ol’ caffeine. You can take this either in capsule form or hit up your favorite coffee shop. I like capsules because I can easily dial in the dose. Once I find a dose that works I can replicate it at anytime because of my experimentation. You really never know how much caffeine you’re getting in the drip format.

Caffeine is going to take the energy you get from this stack and amp things up to the next level. A little like hitting the turbo boost button. If you’re extremely sensitive to caffeine consider adding L-Theanine – a nootropic well known to smooth out the negative side effects of caffeine. Seriously. No shakes, no jitters, no anxiety. Powerful stuff.

Dosage recommendation (lower limit)

  • Piracetam – 2 – 4G
  • Sulbutiamine – 400mg
  • L-Tyrosine – 500 – 1000mg
  • Caffeine – 100 – 400mg







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