Rare Chems Gets Hacked

Rare Chems Gets Hacked

Today I received 2 emails. The first email was from Rare Chems informing me of an Information Leak. Here is the first email in full:

Dear Customer,
This morning we got the first emails from customers that had received a weird email with some informations regarding their orders and threats to report to law enforcement agencies unless some money is paid to a BTC address.
The figures in the emails are completely wrong, and so are the statements about the legality of the substances. But some customers got very scared which is fully understandable.
We have reported the issue to our security supplier Astra and they are working on it. You have to know that we are constantly upgrading and applying the latest patches to the e-commerce platform but you also have to know we’re under attack 24/7 and eventually one of these attacks will succeed by using a fresh exploit that wasn’t patched yet. We work hard but we’re not invulnerable and it only takes one exploit for a partial database leak.
Needless to say that everyone should just completely ignore these emails and Astra will try to get informations from the attacker and we will report to the dutch authorities.
We’re sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused and thank you for your understanding and support.
All the best,
The second email was from the hacker. As you can see the hacker is attempting to use scare tactics to scam me of precious Bitcoins. It was also clear he had all my information as he referenced my address and my purchase. Note that I have screened out my personal info.
rare chems hacked


Do NOT send this scammer any money. I personally know many individuals who have fallen for similar scams. This is some overseas guy whos accusations about you won’t hold any water with local authorities. Not to mention the fact that Rare Chems products are NOT controlled substances. They are either analogues or uncontrolled research chemicals.

Don’t panic.

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