Phenibut Review – Should You Avoid At All Costs?

Phenibut is one of the more “hardcore” nootropics out on the market. It’s touted as the best nootropic for crushing anxiety and calming even the most frayed nerves.

And I must say, these accusations about Phenibut are true. The right dose of Phenibut will chill you right out and melt away all stress.

Recreationally, Phenibut finds itself being used by people with social anxiety so they can go out to bars, clubs, and meet people without being racked by devastating levels of anxiety.

Something this good can’t be without it’s downsides right?

My experience using Phenibut

I’m a lot like you. I read as many reviews about Phenibut as I could before I made the decision to purchase some and try it out for myself. Some people had great things to say about this nootropic while others talked about it like it was spawned from the 7th circle of hell.

I started off with a gram of Phenibut. In about 2 hours I began to feel the sedative properties of the Phenibut take hold. I was much more relaxed and found myself talking freely with my friends. I was excited to engage in conversation, play music, and have jolly good time with everyone around me.

It was amazing stuff. Almost like taking a Xanax but without the mental dullness associated with hardcore benzos. There seemed to be a certain energy level with taking Phenibut. I was sedated but still mentally alert and sharp. This is a significant quality of the nootropic.

The effects lasted well into the day with an after glow the next morning. Unlike others, I did not experience a Phenibut hangover. I’ve read some reports of people experiencing excruciating hangovers on Phenibut. Some people can’t tolerate GABA type drugs I guess.

Phenibut and GABA

Phenibut effects the neurotransmitter GABA in your brain. This neurotransmitter is responsible for feeling calm. It inhibits the easily excitable neurons from firing too quickly. Anxious people have a deficit of GABA activity and so they always feel nervous and on edge.

Medications like Xanax, Klonopin, and Ativan work to regulate these neurotransmitters and block them from firing off too fast. The result is a feeling of extreme calmness.

Phenibut acts in a similar way, modulating the GABA in your brain and inducing a sedating and calming effect.

My Hallmark Phenibut Experience

I always say nootropics and substances, especially the “hardcore” varieties, should only be used for specific situations and never abused. Recently my best friend passed away and I knew I was going to give a speech at his funeral. His death combined with the thought of getting up in front of a large gathering of people induced massive amounts of anxiety in myself.

I took Phenibut the day of his service and delivered the best speech of my life. In fact, I actually enjoyed being up there, telling stories, and expressing my emotions. I don’t think I could have done this without Phenibut. There is no way that the speech would have came out as fluid as it did. The whole thing flowed perfectly.

Phenibut vs benzodiazepines

Phenibut in my experience is similar to drugs like Xanax and Valium. However, Phenibut differs in one major way – it does not effect your mental functioning and in fact, actually enhances your thinking and the flow of ideas. The russians knew what they were doing when they synthesized this drug for their cosmonauts. That’s why I consider Phenibut to be one of the greatest nootropics of all time.

Final Thoughts

Yes, Phenibut has the potential for addiction. Yes, it should NOT be taken everyday. But used in specific situations I believe Phenibut is a safe and outstanding nootropic to have in your regiment. It’s gotten me through a few rough patches of my life and if you deal with anxiety it’s a very effective calming agent to keep around for times when you need a little extra help.

Where to buy Phenibut

Phenibut can be purchased by the great people over at Peak Nootropics.

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6 years ago

I am trying to find the right dosage from switching from primaforce to nootropics powder. Do you know what prinaforce would be equivalent to in primaforce phenibut?

6 years ago

Hello I’m 36 yrs old and have done every drug to excess I’m not proud to say it and I’ve lost so much but made it through ok ( my wife was a bitch anyway) I swear if you want to get on track use phenibut and Kratom and fight the good fight if you want to have a better life take the steps

3 years ago

I struggle daily with anxiety. I’m also an amphetamine smoker daily. Plus I’m taking subtext daily to battle an opioid addiction. I’m also a daily meth smoker and I know all this shit is bad for me. I’d like to fund the right stacks for myself to do something better for my life. Any suggestions on what I need to consider buying?

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