Kratom Review & Long-Term Dosage Strategy

Kratom Review & Long-Term Dosage Strategy

Note from Editor: The following is a user submitted experience. 

Author: TSOL911

About 7 years ago, I was first introduced to Kratom.  Since then, it continues to be the mainstay in my daily supplementation for a variety of purposes.  First, I’ve found a profound dopaminergic (AKA mood boost) when approx 3 grams of a Green strain(Malay, Indo, Maeng Da) on an empty stomach(& more effective if paired with 100-200 grams caffeine).  Second, the pain-relieving qualities are far superior IMO to NSAIDS (aspirin, Tylenol, ibuprofen, etc.) taken again in about the same dose (3 grams on an empty stomach & paired with at least 100 grams of caffeine).  Green Indo(or a Red Bali) is my favorite pain-killer.  Kratom is also very effective as an appetite suppressant (again with same dosage).  If you grow Kratom trees(like myself), experiment with slowly chewing 1-2 leaves of an adult tree (like the OG farmers in Southeast Asia):-000. What I find most intriguing is Kratom’s ability for “taking the edge off”, & ultimately very effective as a sleep aid.

Red Vein strains(such as Indo, Sumatra, Bali, Borneo, & Hulu) are the only choice(avoid the Green/White/Yellows for this purpose). Higher evening doses I have found work better (between 5-10 grams about 1 hour before bed & as always, it is much more effective on an empty stomach).  So, what “tricks of the trade” & very important observations during my 7-year span of consistent Kratom use?  Well, for starters(especially Newbies), take with a good quality Ginger supplement (or fresh ginger root works too) to avoid the likely accompanying nausea if dosage is increased too quickly.  Like any herb/drug, the best strategy is to start SLOW & find/remain at the lowest effective dose. 

Over the long haul, I’ve still been able to keep the same dosages while achieving similar effects comparable to when I started.  This is attributable to constantly rotating strains(all the greens varieties, as well as the yellow & white strains for daytime use).  Certainly, it is applicable to night red strain dosage as well.  I would also highly advise to rotate vendors, due to alkaloid content is likely to vary from vendor to vendor. 

When choosing vendors, go to American Kratom Association – GMP Participants.  Choosing a GMP approved company is wise (thereby avoiding any “unnecessary surprise ingredients”).  Certain supplements/herbs I’ve found potentiate Kratom effects: magnesium, capsicum, agmatine sulfate, cimetidine, & curcumin.  If experimenting with these possible potentiators, I would recommend a standard dose of the above listed compounds (pick one at a time) approximately 30 minutes prior to Kratom use.  Above all, I am testament that long-term Kratom use has been invaluable to drastically improved life quality.  I do, however, encourage that Kratom should be cycled on/off as much as possible to avoid any tolerance issues/negative side effects. As always with drugs, results/reactions vary accordingly to the individual. 

In the event that Kratom is used daily for the long-term, I hope this information can be beneficial.

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