Is Phenibut Dangerous?


Phenibut is a Russian synthesized nootropic touted as the most dangerous nootropic available. You have no doubt heard the horror stories of people having bad experiences with Phenibut. But is Phenibut really all that dangerous?

People typically turn to Phenibut as an anti-anxiety agent. As far as nootropics go, Phenibut is the best nootropic for crushing anxiety in all forms. I personally love taking Phenibut when I’m going out for a night on the town or any time I’m in an anxious environment. In fact, many people have safely used Phenibut in this way for a very long time.

So what’s all this fuss about Phenibut being dangerous? While many have safely used Phenibut, there is a risk for addiction and negative side effects. The horror stories you hear online are no doubt coming from people who took Phenibut in too large of a dose or too often.

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Phenibuts anti-anxety effects come from the substances effect on your brains GABA receptors. GABA is a neurotransmitter responsible for feeling calm and relaxed. Popular drugs like alcohol and Xanax (benzodiazepines) work by increasing the levels of GABA in your brain. As a result, these drugs make you feel very relaxed.

In much the same way, Phenibut interacts with the GABA system. However, this interaction between drugs and neurotransmitters is not without consequences. If you abuse these types of drugs over the long term, your body shuts down its own natural production of GABA resulting in withdrawal, anxiety, and a host of other problems.

The negative Phenibut stories you read online are from people who abused the nootropic. They took Phenibut in too high of a dose or for too long. They then get online and vomit this negative experience all over the internet. Many of them were unaware how drugs interacted with their body and the results and consequences of abusing drugs. Anybody who has experimented with drugs can tell you this.

If used correctly, Phenibut is a great nootropic to relieve anxiety in the short term and holds very little side effects. You don’t see people confused about hangovers after a hard night of drinking. By comparison, Phenibut is much safer, cheaper, and less riskier.

How to use Phenibut safely

Look at Phenibut as a band aid solution to temporary waves of anxiety. For instance, Phenibut is great for that once a month TPS report you have to give at the office.

It’s great for that once in a while outing with friends at a dinner party.

It’s great for the occasional family get together (I know I’m not the only one who gets anxiety around family.)

It’s not great to treat daily anxiety. Using Phenibut everyday will lead to tolerance and you’ll need more of the nootropic to get the same high. I’ve always said nootropics are not the solution to your problems, they are the stepping stone. Use Phenibut as a stepping stone and as part of a holistic solution to get from point A to point B.

Keep your dosage within the safe and recommended levels. 250mg is a dose at the low level while 500mg is a moderate dose. Anything above 500mg is considered a high dose and you run the risk of negative side effects. As a general rule, always start with a low dose so you can get a feel for the effects of the nootropic. This is especially important for nootropics like Phenibut.

So, is Phenibut dangerous?

It can be. But if you stick to occasional and infrequent use and keep your dose at reasonable levels Phenibut can be used quite safely. If you have an addictive personality I would avoid Phenibut because it’s easy to abuse. However, if you have anxiety and looking for a safer alternative to prescription medication, Phenibut is a good choice if you follow what I have outlined in this post.

Be sure to buy Phenibut from a reliable source.

Alternatively, check out my favorite nootropic for anxiety. It’s a less riskier alternative to Phenibut and very anxiolytic in its own right.

Thanks for reading and safe dosings!

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7 years ago

Though this still does not adress information i cannot find; the detrimental effects on ones body in the long term.
It is very informative and a great guide! Thanks!

Ami Rail
Ami Rail
2 years ago

Anything that alters your thinking, actions, mood or relationships is both bizarre and dangerous. There are mental health problems that can be helped, not cured, by medications, but taking an illicit, non-approved drug that does these things and causes severe withdrawals, for everyday stress is beyond beyond. No amount of justification will make it “OK”.

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