by Frederic P Firth at 02-19-2020, 11:16 PM
Hi folks,

question for you long time users of Phenibut. I'm thinking of ordering some probably through Nootropics Depot (vendor recommendations?) but I want to know how you think it has effected you over the years. 

How many times a week do you take it? How long have you been taking it? Do you feel it's changed your brain chemistry in a negative way?

I like to do as much research as possible before I commit to something I will put in my body. From what I have researched this is good alternative to what the doctors are trying to give me.

thank you!!!
by lb1986 at 02-17-2020, 08:10 AM
Hey Folks

OMAD = One Meal A Day

Does anyone do OMAD/Fasting?

I have been doing OMAD for around 3 month now. I use to do the classic 16/8 fast. That was back when i was getting myself fairly lean.

Over a period of time i noticed my body adjusted to fasting very well. I would then push a fast for 24+ hours. Very very easily.... The reason was that i noticed that i had the best mental clarity when i am in a fasted state. It was almost like a weak modafinil effect...... For free! 

I have ALWAYS had an insane appetite but.... My appetite only triggers when i ingest food. When i am in a fasted state i have zero hunger. I eat one small meal and as soon as my blood sugar spikes i can only focus on eating more and more. When i am fasted and have stable blood glucose i feel like i have a load of energy and the mental clarity is awesome. 

I need to intake 3000+ calories a day to maintain my weight so i have to plan that one meal to make sure it's very calorie dense. I seem to have a pit of a stomach so i can pull it off.

My partner goes crazy though lol hates the idea of it all and thinks it very unhealthy. 

I think Fallon in a recent video explained he likes to fast also? Makes your Nootropics kick in faster as well (Empty Stomach)

I weight train and so far still seem to be holding onto my muscle mass. Thought one meal won't sustain my physique but.... So far no issues.

Anyone else into fasting and also use nootropics?

If you haven't ever tried it. It's very effective. Start slow though and work your way up. Don't believe when people say... Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Myth.
by lb1986 at 02-16-2020, 07:58 AM
Hi folks

Any anxiety/Social Anxiety sufferers?

I have had this b*tch of a problem for as far back as i can remember.

If someone doesn't suffer anxiety then they don't understand how it can affect your day to day life. I have sat and explained to my partner just how it can feel to suffer this every day. She genuinely couldn't understand that it can really be as bad as how it is described. Even doing a walk to a shop use to be a challenge for me as i thought everyone in cars would be staring and judging. You would hear a laugh and think it's aimed at you.

It really is a horrid illness but..  Over time i have managed to get it more balanced and can have mostly good days rather than bad ones now. 

Anyone else battle it daily?

This is why i went down the nootropics route. My Doctor just loaded me up on anti depressants and benzo's and your just *Numb* a complete emotionless person that just becomes robot. I'm sure these med's will be a god send for some but i just never felt like *me* on them.

I stopped all those med's and eventually just used nootropics. Tried all the usuals. Ashwaghanda ' Rhodiola Rosea etc. Even though their mild... You still feel *alive* and normal with these and they do help as long as your patient and let them work.

How does everyone else deal with their Anxiety? Are you a nootropics user?

I would say the biggest relief was from... Exercising. This made my life 100x better. Exercise is a powerful *drug*. It's free and very good for you overall. You will feel a huge boost in dopamine from exercise and over time it works magic.

Post your daily struggles and how you also manage them.

Thanks guys
by Fallon at 02-16-2020, 12:20 AM
[Image: modafinilxl-package-order.jpg]

In this review I'm taking a look at a Modafinil vendor called ModafinilXL. Aside from BuyModa, ModafinilXL is the main heavy hitter in the Modafinil industry. In fact, they may be the largest vendor on the internet. ModafinilXL supplies legit Modafinil manufactured in India. Products include staples like Modalert, Modvigil, Waklert, and Artvigil. They also have lesser known brands like Modaheal and unmarked tablets simply labeled Modafinil. 

Initial contact

I reached out to the company last month (January 2020) to secure some samples. They were ultra responsive to my email and sent out a package. They gave me a tracking number which was nice but proved to be non functional as I'll explain later.


Modafinil from overseas (and it's all overseas) takes anywhere from 1 - 3 weeks to arrive. Shipping time depends on how fast the vendor ships the product, and how long it takes to clear customs. Clearing customs takes a week in and of itself. Knowing this I really only checked the tracking number every 4 - 5 days or so. At first I saw a couple updates on its current location but then it hung up in New York for a long time. Every few days I would check to see if it cleared. It remained stuck for 3 weeks before I finally lost all hope for the package. I figured it must have gotten seized, although tracking should have reflected that. Basically the package was in my mailbox the WHOLE TIME. I do not check my mailbox unless I know I have something coming in, I made the mistake thinking the tracking was accurate when it was not. Keep this mind. The tracking is unreliable and gives you a sort of artificial peace of mind. 

Testing the product

They were initially only supposed to ship me a 10 pack of Modalert and a 10 pack of Artvigil. I was surprised to receive their whole line of products. I decided to test the Waklert 150mg (Armodafinil) as I am giving away the Modalert as part of the Februrary 2020 giveaway. 

The product is good. The stimulation is here along with all the classic side effects. Slightly elevated heart rate, sweaty palms, and of course a general alertness and mental stimulation quintessential to the Modafinil experience. The product came packaged in true-to-form pharmaceutical strips.  


Pricing is on par with BuyModa. They offer more options as far as the number of tablets goes. You can by as few as 10 pills or as many as 500 or more. 

Payment methods

ModafinilXL accepts Visa/Mastercard. Often times you must clear the transaction with your bank prior to purchasing or your bank/cc processor will block the transaction. They also accept Bitcoin for anonymous payments. Bitcoin is my preferred way to pay for Nootropics. Read my guide to Bitcoin to get started. 

Conclusion + Video

I can recommend ModafinilXL as a solid Modafinil vendor. I will most likely be purchasing a large order from them very soon. 

>>>Check them out here<<<

by Fallon at 02-14-2020, 06:50 AM
I am coming down to the last bit of powder from my recent MondialK order of Bromantane so here is the official review.

What is Bromantane?

Bromantane (brand name Ladasten) is a Pharmaceutical drug synthesized and prescribed in Russia (and other countries) for a condition called Neurasthenia. This condition is characterized by low energy, low mood, fatigue, and irritability.  Bromantane is often referred to as an atypical psychostimulant. Bromantane has substantial effects on the brains Dopamine system yet has not been demonstrated to cause significant negative side effects associated with traditional Amphetamine based drugs. Little is known regarding Bromantanes influence the Dopamine system. It does not directly increase Dopamine nor does it function as a Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitor (at least not in normal doses.) Bromantane instead exerts its influence on the expression of the Tyrosine hydroxylase enzyme - a crucial enzyme required for the production of L-DOPA, and of course, Dopamine. This downstream effect on Dopamine is most likely responsible for Bromantanes stimulating response. It also exerts influence on the Serotonin system. 

In the largest clinical trial studying Bromantane, 728 individuals with Asthenic disorder were studied. Bromantane was given for 28 days at doses ranging from 50 - 100mg and then subjects reasessed. 90.8% of participants responded favorably to treatment and showed marked improvements in asthenic-related conditions. symptoms of anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders were all improved. Positive effects remained for one month following cessation of the drug. 

Bromantane also exhibits Actoprotector and Adaptogenic properties enhancing the physical systems of the body. In the 1996 Summer Olympics several Russian athletes tested positive for the drug. It is now a banned compound by the World Anti Doping Agency. 

My experience

I took 100mg of Bromantane once per day for 5 days. 

The highlights...

Day 1 - Didn't notice much but had a hard time sleeping that night.

Day 2 - Anxiolytic effects. Feeling calmer. Certainly stimulated well into the night. 

Day 3 - Woke up hours earlier than my normal wake time. Interesting. Anxiolytic response is certainly present.

Day 4 - Physical endurance notably enhanced. 

Day 5 - Woke up early again, fully charged. Perhaps feeling a bit of indifference, still calm yet feeling a bit flat towards the end of the day. 

Bromantane did a number of things for me. The compounds effects on my physical system were most pronounced. My daily exercise efforts were greatly enhanced. It took much more physical activity to achieve the same level of fatigue I'm use to experiencing. I woke up sore for the first time in a while suggesting I was able to break through my normal levels of exertion. Despite these intense workouts I've been waking up hours ahead of my normal routine with energy. I usually need 8 - 9 hours of sleep to function but have found I'm getting by on 6 hours. 

The anxiolytic response is interesting. It's a strange effect. Almost like an indifference to the world. It seems to be stabilizing my mood, I have far less ups and downs and don't seem to be getting triggered as often. This comes at the cost of feeling a bit emotionally flat at times. It doesn't have that Dopaminergic mood boost like I enjoy from compounds like Phenylpiracetam, Modafinil, Coffee, Nicotine, and Phenibut. It certainly doesn't feel like a traditional stimulant. Yet, this stuff keeps me up at night. There is some type of strange energy component here. I believe the stimulating response comes much later after you dose. I would describe the stimulation as a simple feeling of general alertness with no notable mood enhancing components. 

I would not say it's had much of an effect on my cognition. I don't feel much of a mental stimulation. Personally, it's been fantastic for physical endurance and energy but falls short for mental stimulation. It does provide a nice anxiolytic response, but as I mentioned, at the cost of feeling a bit flat.

Overall I've found Bromantane effective for stress/anxiety reduction and enhancing physical energy. Perhaps I will try stacking on some Phenylpiracetam or other stimulating compounds to gain a bit of real dopaminergic action. 

I will be ordering more and keeping some on the shelf for sure. 
by Fallon at 02-12-2020, 10:40 AM
I had some spare Bitcoins in my account and decided to splurge on a few things. I first ordered a 200mg 90 count bottle of Phenylpiracetam from Nootropics Depot. This is something I can't be without. The energy is unmatched and my brain requires high levels of stimulation to function on the level I want. 

Next, you can see I went a bit crazy:

[Image: 1P-LSD-Etizolam.png]

This is 1P-LSD and Etizolam from a vendor called the chemical collective. They're a vendor with positive feedback on Reddit and really the only game in town for 1P-LSD - an LSD analogue. Very similar to LSD and delivers a near exact experience according to seasoned users. I'll be experimenting with Microdosing as it relates to creativity, anti-anxiety, and anti-depressive responses. This will be up there as far as legendary Nootropics experiments goes. I picked up some Etizolam just because I'm out and I occasionally require heavier anti-anxiety compounds beyond Phenibut. Etizolam delivers excellent anti-anxiety effects along with a bit of Euphoria, without being too sedating. It may be necessary if my Acid experiments get out of 

Lastly, I ordered 2 Grams Flmodafinil from MondialK. This stuff is dirt cheap compared to standard Modafinil and delivers comparable results. 

Clearly I will be doing videos on all this stuff at a later time. 

Feel free to ask any questions below or contribute with your own experiences with these compounds.
by lb1986 at 02-11-2020, 05:15 PM
Hi folks

I was taking a Pre Workout for about 2 months straight. I swear it was spiked though as it honestly felt too close to Adderal and other phenidates!

Anyhow i stopped cold turkey. Too many negatives appearing. Heart rate at 100bpm when chilling' Tight Chest' Raised anxiety' Tremors. Honestly just what amphetamines do to me.

The withdrawals? Jeeeeeeez!  Sleeping 12 hours a night. Zero energy and i mean i couldn't move from my bed after those 12 hours. Depression etc. Best guess is i burnt out my dopamine system. I am 2 weeks off and thankfully feeling a lot better. My brain is CRAVING it like crazy though.

I refuse to use it again though. I just felt ill at the end up and a walking anxious mess. 

I want to try new compounds that affect motivation and give that dopamine spike. I just don't want the over stimulant effect. 

Any suggestions? 

I fancy doing some Phenylpiracetam? Or even some Sulbutiamine?

I am a big gym go'er and have zero enthusaism to train just now. Just want some motivation and to feel some mood benefits. 

Any suggestions? 

by Fallon at 02-11-2020, 10:42 AM
Many of you guys have reached out wanting me to expand on taking Tianeptine and Kratom together. In this post I will do just that. 

The short of it is there is nothing wrong with stacking the 2. They both hit on the opioid receptors in your brain and deliver similar effects. These effects include, pain relief, stimulation, and overall boosts to mood well being. The 2 will certainly amplify each other and deliver that classic opioid experience you know and love. 

Providing you guys with dosage information is difficult because of general tolerances across different people. Some people may have a tolerance to Kratom but no tolerance to Tianeptine. In this case I would recommend low doses of Tianeptine and your regular dose of Kratom, or perhaps half your normal dose to test the waters. The optimum dose should leave you functional, not stumbling around, nauseous, or tired. Unless of course your goal is to get completely blasted.

As you know there are 2 different versions of Tianeptine. Tianeptine Sulphate and Sodium. Sodium is VERY strong and easy to abuse. A light dose of Tianeptine Sodium is 12.5 - 30mg. A medium dose is 30 - 50mg. Anything beyond 100mg is considered a strong dose. A low dose of Tianeptine Sulphate is 25 - 50mg.

Let's say you typically take 5 Grams of Kratom in the morning. Take 2.5 Grams instead alongside a light dose of Tianeptine Sodium. This will allow you to effectively gauge the synergy between the 2 compounds. My recommendation is to try each compound separately, to understand how you respond to each. From there you can basically start mixing and matching and do whatever you want within reason. 

As a general rule you can start with low doses and work your way up by increments. Personally I'm much more haphazard with these types of compounds, less surgical. I cannot recommend others do the same but it's what I do.

Keep in mind the VERY addictive nature of Tianeptine Sodium. I went through my stash extremely fast. I will probably not be reordering for a while. I will stick to Tianeptine Sulphate which isn't nearly as addictive. The Sulphate version is longer lasting and designed for all day functional results. You really don't even feel the Opioid response until maybe 75mg, even then it's very mild compared to Sodium. Tianeptine Sodium is comparable to prescription pain killers in my opinion and can knock you straight out. My first time taking it I took too much due to fluctuations in my scale and spent a couple hours just lying in bed....LOL. The only real difference is the very short duration of Tianeptine Sodium. It only lasts 1 - 2 hours before you're forced to redose. It's not exactly ideal for pain management but can work well alongside Kratom. 

The other option is to cycle between Kratom and Tianeptine. This will allow you a tolerance break from each individual compound. I really only recommend this method if you're dealing with pain. Regular users would do better using these types of compounds sparingly, perhaps a couple times a week TOPS. The problem is it can be hard to self discipline yourself. 

That's all for now, I might expand a little more some other time.
by Fallon at 02-07-2020, 05:58 AM
[Image: mondialk-vendor-review.png]

In this post I'm going to discuss my experiences with MondialK. MondialK is an overseas vendor and they stock a few Nootropics you can't get domestic in the United States. Of most interest, these are Nootropics like Tianeptine Sodium, Tianeptine Sulfate, and Bromantane. My experience with the vendor involves these 3 Nootropics.

Having tested all of these Nootropics I can conclude every one of them is high quality. In particular, the Tianeptine Sodium was most impressive.

From what I have deduced, all product comes from France. The postal package has French written all over it and the package took roughly 2 weeks to arrive at my United States address. 

Ordering from the vendor initially felt like a bit of gamble. Throughout the entire process nothing gives you confidence that your order will even arrive at all. 

First, you cannot pay with any major credit card (at least in the direct sense), or even Bitcoin for that matter.

EDIT: You can pay with Bitcoin as a subscriber pointed out. You can check the MondialK FAQ page to see a list of payment options.

I made my payment through a sort of wire transfer. Upon adding items to the cart and checking out, I received the following payment instructions via email:

Quote:Bank Transfer Instructions

IBAN : FR7616798000010000077614768
Name : Titans
Surname : Corp + Order ID

Bank Name : Treezor SAS
Town : Levallois-Perret

Sending Reason : Business/Purchase
Phone number : Use yours or a fake phone number

Thanks not to include any reference to MondialK, don't include any product name, don't use our email address neither during the transfer

Bank address :
94 rue de Villiers
92300 Levallois-Perret

To make payment you use the above information and plug it in to a website called World Remit. World Remit allows you to use your credit card to make payments to certain bank accounts. I had doubts but continued to forge ahead, plugging in all the necessary info.

Once I had made the payment I emailed MondialK letting them know I made payment. They acknowledged my payment and then sent the following email:

Quote:Dear Fallon,

Thank you for your order and confidence,
I let you know I label it as below to speed up the customs process

Tianeptine Sulfate      Mandelic Acid   1
Tianeptine Sodium       Hyaluronic Acid 1
Bromantane      Hyaluronic Acid 0,5

Otherwise you will receive it 2 weeks late if customs test it

I remain at your disposal should you have any questions,
I wish you an excellent end day.

Best Regards,

It's important to pay attention to this part. What he does is label the products as inconspicuous ingredients so they go through customs easier. Make sure to properly label them when they arrive so you don't get mixed up. If you order multiple items it would be very difficult to identify the powders without the labels. 

The products arrived in 2 weeks. There is no tracking on the packages so you're pretty much waiting in the dark for things to arrive. They come in these tiny aluminum canisters. As you can see, they are labeled as per the email:

[Image: mondialk-products-shipment.jpg]

Overall I have nothing but good things to say about this vendor. He answered all my emails, the products came, they were of appropriate weight, and high quality - as far as I can tell. 

If you can look passed the strange ordering process I can recommend this vendor for the stuff you can't get through mainstream suppliers.


by Filter at 02-05-2020, 03:03 PM
Today i`ve come to a conclusion that mixing it all to much wont give me any solid results. The whole “big picture” of it will become blury.

So far i`ve established that Piracetam is great for me, a bit of L-theanine and strong coffe with it is ideal. It lasts for about half day, or atleast for whole morning if you get up very early and take it at about 6-7am.

Phenylpiracetam gave me noticable energy even at 100mg. So theres no need to go over 200mg per day. Stronger doses are for that ocasional “recreational” purposes and you actualy loose focus with that, mind is going to fast and in several directions.

Oxiracetam also wonderful for focus at appropriate doses. But i always took it along with some Piracetam or Phenypiracetam. It gives me that sharp "private tunel" i mentioned before. What i mean is, that you are not easily distracted. Think i prefer it with Piracetam, rather than Phenylpiracetam, for that focus felling.

Phenibut at 250-300mg great for relaxation, good mood. But i cant really say much more about it at this point. Might be misleading my self with it, or anyone who reads. From what i`ve gathered online, it produces different effects at different doses. It was taken with 2000mg Piracetam a bit after and when it all set it, ideas seemed to pop in from the blue. Also seemed a very decent combo for a "party" or hanging out with friends on the weekend. Would probably make em laugh all night long, hehe.

Aniracetam i tried once, well twice, but the 2nd one was at small dose and in a mix of all these other racetams, so theres no real conclusion to it yet. But it for sure differs from Piracetam wich is energizing, and Aniracetam seems to be more calming.

Pramiracetam, thats where it made me think about it all. Morning Piracetam bit of oxiracetam, just a "drop" of Alpha gpc and 150mg l-theanine went through great.
An hour after lunch 100mg of Pramiracetam with not really noticable effect. So another 150mg of it and soon after going to the kitchen, i ended up on the couch in the living room. Very sleepy for a while, untill the 2nd  dose 150mg of Pramiracetam started to kick in. With some effort i was able to pull my self of that couch and made my self a strong cup of coffe and this is where "we" are now. Seems coffe gave it a bit of needed push.

Remembered i had similar experience with quite low dose of L-Tyrosine. At 150-200mg it made me really sleepy, to the point i had to lay down for few hours. Tried that dose twice with same result so i put it away.
So yea, dialing it all down, not mixing it all at once is gonna be the best practice for now.

Gonna give L-tyrosine another shot at 500mg sometime soon and see what happens. Whats the worst thing that can happen, i`m gonna sleepy it off.
Also gonna cut down morning Piracetam intake by half or atleast by 1/3 (to something like 1000mg or 1500mg). And try 2nd 1000mg intake bout 2 hours after lunch.
Decided i`m gonna do that for about 3 weeks and slowly cut down even that for the last 4th week, then pause a bit.
In this month i`ll try to include other racetams separate, along with daily 2000mg Piracetam intake and in normal dose, and not restacking. Something in the way of 2000mg Piracetam + normal dose of Aniracetam for 2 days. After few days some other racetam for 2 days and so on. 

We`ll see how it goes, talk is cheap hehe, but atleast it`s a bit of plan to start with.
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