by Filter at 02-04-2020, 09:35 PM

Today i decided to sit behind the wheel of my 500hp Kenworth truck while using Phenibut for the 1st time. Loaded it up full and took a 349km long drive as delivery was due today. On the highway i carelessly disabled speed limiter and pushed her to the limit. My recklesness almost cost me and others dearly. Just few minutes away from destination at speed of 130km/h with full load time stoped. And i already saw me running over some poor guy that was just at the wrong place at the wrong time, running into some totaly relaxed and singing nut on Phenibut.

Hear me out how it all began.

Last few days i was “playing” with Piracetam, Phenylpiracetam, Oxiracetam, L-theanine and Alpha Gpc stack. Was trying to find where my limits are, before it all starts to produce negative effects . I`m a good responder to Piracetam, 2000mg in the morning along with 150-200mg l-Theanine and strong coffe really gets me going.

Yesturday i found out that the 4th dose of 200mg Phenylpiracetam is where it all looses its use. Also wanted to know what happens to sleep when taking last stack at late evening hours.
Stacking from morning till 7pm, ended up with taking 4000mg Piracetam, 900 mg Phenylpiracetam, 1000+mg Oxiracetam, 300mg Alpha gpc, 500mg L-theanine, 500mg Magtein and somewhere along 100mg Aniracetam.
Last stack taken at 7pm and i was able to sleep about 5-6 hours later, but woke up 5hours later totaly rested, in a good mood, good ammount of energy.

Todays morning stack threw me off tho. 2500Mg Piracetam, 230mg Phenylpiracetam, 100mg Alpha gpc and 150mg L-theanine produced too much energy, did alot tho, but was anxcious, generaly felt good tho. Untill i took another 200mg of L-theanine about 2 hours later to try push that anxiety away.
Didnt feel good after that, also had to eat some sugar as i was starting to feel weak and shaking, as my blood sugar feel. Dont have diabetes tho and that doesnt easily happen to me.

Anyway,  after lunch i knew i`m going to need some good sleep today so i decided to try Phenibut for the 1st time as its been sitting here for while now.
Didnt know how i would respond so i took Fallons advice and started easy with 90mg Phenibut FAA (Mondialk) sublingual and about 1,5 hour later another 90mg.
When it all kicked in it hit me good.
Apparent opiod felling when it kicks in, my BP dropped alot at start, was dizzy a bit, breathing slowed way way down, so i took another 2000mg Piracetam to get me going. Had to get up and get me moving and bout hour later it all set in and it felt great.  I knew i can do normal smallest ammount so i weighted another 90mg and placed it under the tounge, grabbed one banana, sat down, grabbed the wheel,  pressed twice on icon saying american truck simulator and rushed down the road :p. Had you going there, didnt i, hehe.
Well, thats my Phenibut experience to share, hope you enjoyed it, know i do.
Dont mind the grammar errors, felling way to good&relaxed to go through and correct it. Atleast not today.

Safe word of advice, don`t drive powerful machines while dosing Phenibut

update: i squized "truck" into title and first sentence, so its more apparent what i ment, knew it might be tricky to know what i ment right away, but didnt feel to edit it at that point. hehe i started topic like my mum sometimes does, she`s thinking of something and starts conversation on topic in the middle of what she was thinking hehe, like we`know what she was thinking for the past minute.
by Fallon at 02-02-2020, 11:42 PM
[Image: Tianeptine-Sodium-1G.jpg]

This is a companion post to my Tianeptine Sodium first impressions video I uploaded yesterday. Overall I had great results but probably overdosed, and by that I mean I took way too much. 

Yesterday morning I woke up and immediately cracked open my stash of Tianeptine Sodium from MondialK. (A few of you recommended this vendor so I pulled the trigger and placed an order.) Looking in the tiny aluminum canister I noted there wasn't that much powder at all. I knew right away this was going to be difficult to measure with my crappy scale. 

My current digital scale I purchased from Amazon. It supposedly measures down to 0.01 (10 milligrams) but that doesn't mean it's accurate at this weight. These cheap scales have a hard time weighing small amounts of powder. An average dose of Tianeptine Sodium ranges from 12.5 - 30mg. I decided to split the difference and take 20mg to start. 

To accurately weigh the dose I employed I technique I read about a long time ago. With the cheap digital scales, they are more accurate if they already have a little bit of weight on them. I took the lid off my Oxiracetam bottle and placed it on the scale. I then pulled apart a capsule of ZMA, dumped the original contents, and then weighed the empty capsule. I took note of the total weight and then began scooping the tiniest amounts of powder into the capsule, placing it back on the scale, and repeating this process until I reached the desired weight of 20mg.

The thing is, the numbers on the digital read-out were fluctuating. I know for a fact I did not receive an accurate measurement. I'm guessing I took too much because this stuff knocked me out. (or it's entirely possible it effects me strongly even at common doses.)

Initial effects kicked in around 20 - 30 minutes and by 45 minutes I could already feel the euphoria inhabit my entire body. I wanted to do nothing but lay in bed. I had no desire to do any kind of work. All I could do was lay there and enjoy the warm blanket of the Tianeptine Sodium. I thought how similar it was to prescription Opioid compounds like Percocet. 

I concluded Tianeptine Sodium was much stronger than the Sulfate version, but shorter lasting and more recreational. I could see how one could get addicted to the Sodium, it's truly powerful. For functionality Tianeptine Sulfate is a much better alternative. It lasts all day and I'd say the anti-depressive response is more pronounced with less recreational benefits. I was pretty useless for a good couple hours. 

Tianeptine Sodium is no doubt a great compound for individuals dealing with pain and depression. I would be sure to cycle it, perhaps with something like Kratom. 

For a more deep dive introduction to Tianeptine check out my original Tianeptine video

Tianeptine Sodium First Encounters Video

by Filter at 02-02-2020, 11:43 AM

Magnesium L-Threonate also known as Magtein is Magnesium bonded to L-Threonate, a vitamin C metabolite that is making it more stable and can be absorbed quicker.
L-Threonate makes it possible to harness magnesium and enhance the level of bio-availability, which makes it way more effective than standard magnesium supplements.

Magnesium L-Threonate is used for improving memory and cognitive abilities, with long term effect to slow down brain aging  when taken for an extended period.
Mg is a vital mineral that is present in our body and responsible for the well being of the brain and  nervous system. The average content of magnesium in the body is 25grams, and it is the component of bones, teeth and nerve formation, cell division and the building blocks of DNA.

In recent studies done at MIT and Tsinghua University on  Magnesium L-Threonate, it was found that connections between neurons were more inclined to grow and exhibit healthy, efficient communication behaviors. It was found this is noticable in hippocampus (memory function). Magnesium L-Threonate may achieve this effect partly by increasing cerebrospinal fluid in the brain.

It has also been shown that Magtein relieves chronic neuropathic pain, its used as sleep aid (insomnia) as its muscle relaxer and calms the brain.

Magnesium deficiency

It is believed that magnesium is one of the biggest mineral deficiencies in todays fast paced world.  It`s involved in over 300 enzymatic actions in our body.  It contributes to electrolyte balance, protein synthesis and yielding energy metabolism. Therefore presence of a balanced amount of magnesium is essential.

Deficiency can lead to:
* anxiety
* fatigue
* stress
* neurological problems (seizure, slow reflexes, motor nerves, reduced cognitive abilities, mental fog)
* depression

Standard magnesium supplements fail to penetrate blood-brain barrier, even taken in recommended doses it has little effect on the brain and neurological system.

Magnesium L-Threonate makes it possible to harness magnesium and enhance the level of bio availability. Magtein / mg l-threonate can croos blood-brain barrier!

Foods rich in Magnesium:

* Dark leafy greens as spinach
* organic dairy products like cheese, yogurt, and tofu
* Avocado (also plenty of vitamin A,E,C,K)
* Pumpkin seeds (also helps with absorbtion of L-Threonate)
* Sea veggies
* Nuts, pistachios, sesame seeds, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin see
* Real dark chocolate (also contains smaller amounts of caffeine) i`m saying real because most products we call chocolate actually has zero
* Fish (sardine, salmon, and halibut)
* Sprouts

Personaly i like to grab a spoon or two of sesame seeds on its own, It tastes good.

Magnesium L-Threonate Dosage (adults)

* 400 mg per day for men
* 300 mg per day for women

Note that products containing Magnesium L-Threonate  2000 mg per serving, will translate into approximately 140mg of elemental magnesium in a highly absorbable form.

I use powder at this point, 200mg in mid morning and 200mg late in the evening.
I believe its also a good thing to add some calcium, as mg is suppose to burn through its supplies. Ratio 2:1 if not mistaken.

Magnesium L-Threonate  negative side effects

Taking too much magnesium in any form can lead to serious side effects!!

For some, large doses of magnesium (over 350 mg per day) can lead to:
* low blood pressure
* irregular heartbeat
* intense brain fog

Extreme doses can result in death!!

It is recommended that magnesium is completely avoided by anyone with kidney issues or on kidney medication, it can result  as overwhelming  for the kidneys.
Also not safe for people who have been diagnosed with heart conditions.


I always find it so funny when standard magnesium suplements come as this water soluable pills. Misleading from manfacturers as they know it`s unusable and your money thrown down the drain. They should put a label on it "laxative", as it really is nothin else if not less in my opinion and by experience some family members have with these unuseful pills.

Magnesium is prone to pull water on it self as it is. Simply said, it bloats and that makes it to big for our body to absorb it, so our body just flushes it out. Wich is tho a good thing when constipated (if it actualy worked), but beside that it mainly just goes in and out
I`m also skeptic a bit about this magtein, they try to sell us everything these days, under pretense we absolutely need it. If you noticed one year something is almost essential and the next its totaly bad for you.    

Hope you find something useful in here and feel free to correct me when i`m wrong. You know how it is these days with information and all.  
Note that information may vary and this is writers view on subject. You should not solely rely on information provided.
by Filter at 02-02-2020, 07:26 AM
Tried 200mg L-Tyrosine twice now and its not doing me any good. First i thought it might be Mg L-Threonate, but its Tyrosine. Have nothing to compare it with, so it might be the source for all i know.
For me it counteracts effects of Piracetam, calms me down soon after consumed and i get trired. Always took it in mid morning and i was in beed watching tv after lunch and soon feel asleep at 12:30 pm and woke up 2-3 hours later withouth energy, grumpy.
I came across few rare reports saying exact thing but thats not really that reliable, search long enough and you`ll find it, heh. Anyone had similar experience?
by Filter at 02-01-2020, 09:33 AM
For the last few days packages were coming in all at once, even those held at customs for a long long period. Absolutely everything came in at this point, so i`m well stacked and the real journey has begun. What i didn`t notice Fallon talking about, is storage.
Phenylpiracetam, Oxiracetam and Pramiracetam came packed in addtional bag with cooling, the others like l-Theanine, Alpha gpc ect... were outside that cooling bag. Those are all from Nootropics depot, other packages like from Mondialk came with no cooling at all. So i`m wondering what other nootropics and companions need to be in a cool place, or are there any specific storage needs. Not exposing it to sunlight is obvious, i know some pull water on them selfs so it can get pretty messy when its powder and i do prefer it in that form.
by Fallon at 01-31-2020, 07:15 AM
What is going on?

I just wrote a piece many of you might find interesting.... I've finally found a stack that is comparable to Modafinil in many classic ways.

Check it out here on the blog. Good stuff for those of you who want the Modafinil experience but are on the fence about forking over cold hard cash to an overseas vendor. Yes, I know your fears!! 

I'll be posting up a video very soon, probably tomorrow.



by Filter at 01-30-2020, 02:54 PM
As my nootropics & companions journey  has just recently begun, experiences are still limited at this point.  I could write up  something about other substances that i got a fair ammount experience with and go in profound details on it, but this is not the time for it. So i decided to throw together a few words on a good old mother of all racetams, Piracetam.

As you might have or will notice in the future, i sometimes tend to go into details on stuff i write and otherwise.  It`s just how i am, most of the time its a good quality in life, in some cases perhaps not such., Like the time when a simple 1-2 day paint job turned into a month, everyone was pissed off at home, forcing me to finish the room already. Well atleast its an awesome room now, with details and features you woud see in some old villas, heh.


* for cognitive enhancement
* for memory improvement
* treating depression
* preventing neurodegenerative decline

Its suggested use is for Alzheimers, dementia, brain injury,vertigo, dyslexia, memory dysfunction ...

Piracetam improves brain function and cognitive abilities so it increases blood flow. It improves brain metabolism and allows our brain to optimaly use oxygen and nutrients.
One study among many was in 1988 and it showed that piracetam increased  number of acetylcholine receptors in the brain. That explains why memory functionality enhancement is a byproduct of this compund.

DOSAGE (adults)
1,200mg - 4,800mg per day

Some report better results splitting dosage and taking it 3 times per day,  while others take entire dosage at once. Probably best to try low dosage as 1000mg or less 1st time, to see if you can handle it withouth any unwanted but rare effects.

Piracetam is reported to be generaly safe. But still, there are few unwanted effects for some.

Comomon  side effects include:
*Insomnia, hyperactivity, nervouness
*Elevated blood pressure (thats the main downside with me, regular use of curcumim does seem to lower that to some degree, but still pretty high after drinking coffe twice a day & smoking some ciggys along, i know the solution is obvious :p)

update: user reports also show that in some cases it lowers BP. Interesting enough to dig myself in some scientific researches in future.


Effect of Piracetam is subtle but still noticable for me. It has some of that pushing you to go effect, especially along with some caffeine and time can seem to fly sometimes. I mean, i didnt have any crazy expectations to begin with and was plesently surprised. 
There`s a bit of a funny story behind my 1st usage of Piracetam.  On that day i had a job interview scheduled and i didnt know that postman is gona drop by, bringing me Piracetam, so i already took something that you can get withouth prescription to lift me up a bit,  to get rid of that expected nervous felling , i`ll get into what i took some other time, as its a wonderfull mood lifter (btw not long ago taking something would mean me going to a liquor shop, it just calmed me down, even tho i might be at total abstinence before that).
Anyway, theres a bell, theres a postman with the package and 2 hours till job interview. You can imagine what happened, popped open that Piracetam, measured 3000mg (actually planned to take 2000mg, but went with 3g anyway), some milk to disolve it in and down it went. I`ve done my fair share research on Piracetam before that, so i wasnt just blindly doing 3g`s, not knowing what comes next.
So 30 minutes or so in i feel heart pounding stronger, palms sweating as i `m getting ready for that interview. Looking in the mirror i see my eyelid is totaly black, almost unnoticable when my eye was opened, but still there. Puled my eyelid down and wow, like someone had punched me in the eye, also a bit of pressure kinda felling in my head. First i tried to wipe it off as i was painting a table black day back. It wouldnt come off, also obvious its somekind of trauma, so a quick search for unwanted side effects on duckduckgo was a must. And there it was, Angioedema, side effect or alergic reaction that makes your eyes swell shut, also lips, tounge ect. could be affected.
There i was getting ready for a job interview and i was about to look like a baloon. A bit of silent panic as you can imagine. I was putting on ice, eye was a bit swollen by now(ice did that), as i remembered, hit my eye into gas lever on my bike day or 2 back, while i was trying to move it on the other side of the garage withouth turning on the lights.
I know it was way to early, but i like to think that was my 1st memory recall on Piracetam, that was otherwise so unimportant and brief that i have forgoten all about it. Just the evening before i was thinking, damn my eye hurts, my BP must be off the charts for some reason. It sliped my mind completely where that pain originates from. hehe
All ended well tho, drove to the interview, in and out in 10 minutes, got a call later saying you got the job.
And Piracetam never tried to punch my eye since :p

Gonootropics info on Piracetam

Note that information may vary and this is writers view on subject. You should not solely rely on information provided.
by Thomasr at 01-29-2020, 06:43 PM
I know everyones got their preferences for choline sources and this ones mine. When I'm taking days off from some of the more stimulating nootropics I use to let my brain get back to baseline performance,  I still end up taking some alpha gpc during the day.
I stack alpha gpc with everything everyday, from lions mane to flmodafinil,  I'm consistently getting that focus and attention to detail that I seem to lack without it.
I couldn't imagine taking racetams without it, I can only imagine the freakin headaches I know I'd end up with. 
Just a mellow day with kratom and alpha gpc is cool to more demanding days with stacking multiple racetams, some noopept, some bromantane, some sunifiram...I really don't dig the thought of any kinda day without alpha gpc at this point. Wicked underrated when people think of nootropics, definitely not one of those flashy names that grab attention but definitely an essential part of every one of my stacks and all by itself as well! 
Much praise for my main choline source and most essential nootropic!

by BermudaHighways at 01-28-2020, 06:29 PM
Although mild in comparison to other anti-anxiety agents, I find L-Theanine very useful in combating day to day anxiety. I take usually around one full gram on Theanine on an empty stomach and feel it kick in within minutes. Noticeable reduction in anxiety, thoughts slow down, slight relaxation in the body. Given how safe and cheap this stuff is, L-Theanine is a must for anyone who deals with mild to moderate anxiety. 
by BermudaHighways at 01-28-2020, 06:20 PM
I would have to say Phenibut is my favorite nootropic by far. When used responsibly (2-3 times a week, low doses), It reduces my anxiety by 75% all day and makes me extremely social, motivated, and positive all day long. It also gives me a solid 8-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Although technically Phenibut is a Gaba-ergic / depressant, it gives me almost complete opposite effects, tons of mental and physical energy coupled with a huge reduction in anxiety. I would give it a 10/10 if it where not for it's addictive potential, it isn't a substance that can be used daily (at least not safely). 
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