![[Image: rarechems-vendor-review.png]](https://gonootropics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/rarechems-vendor-review.png)
Today I ordered Etizolam and 2FMA tablets from RareChems. This was the RC vendor Chemical Collective recommended as a replacement after they cut their U.S. Shipments. They also have 1P-LSD, but I have plenty of that...but will of course test it later down the road should Alice wish to continue the restaurant, and if this vendor turns out to be reliable.
Initial impressions...site looks nice. Good selection. Checkout...strange. Of course everything is in Euros (not strange) but attempting to check out with 30 Euros worth of Etizolam proved insufficient. The site gave an error stating I needed to place a minimum order of 60 Euros...then upon meeting that requirement another message stating an 89.98 Euro order was required...good grief! So I just added some 2FMA for the hell of it to meet the minimum. Overall I payed about $110 USD for (100) 1mg Etizolam pellets and (25) 30mg 2FMA pellets. So there is a minimum order quantity required to check out, and per usual, expect to pay with Bitcoins (Cointopay) if you're a U.S. customer.
You also have to check about a 1000 boxes agreeing that you will not complain if your order doesn't make it, and that you agree you will receive no refund if for whatever reason you don't receive your stuff. This does not exactly instill confidence in the customer but I suppose I can see their side of the equation. Packages come untracked via PostNL, one reason they can't provide refunds if you say you lost it, essentially it's your word against theirs. Per their shipping FAQ they do not reship packages to the U.S. under any circumstances. I've said it before, everytime I send money overseas I just part ways with it and hope for the best.
I will keep this thread updated if/when the product comes in, and whether or not I believe the product/service to be high quality.
Update 10.16.2020 - Package has arrived. Have yet to test product.
![[Image: Rare-Chems-Order.jpg]](https://gonootropics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Rare-Chems-Order.jpg)