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Pure Nootropics Reviews
Fallon, I notice you are no longer linking to Nootropics Depot and instead linking to Pure Nootropics. Any reason for the change? Anyone have positive reviews for this company and any reason to choose them over Nootropics Depot who seems to be more established?

I was affiliated with them for a long time but recently they began sending me emails about how my content made too many health claims. They asked me to remove all links to their products for content where I made certain claims and comparisons. In one email they didn't like that I mentioned specific Nootropics which could act as an alternative for Modafinil. One day I woke up and they had suspended my account. I removed their links like they requested and redirected everything to Pure Nootropics, which is also a reputable company.

Overall it was a business decision on their part not to associate with creators like me. Some of my content is indeed on the fringe/deep end of the swimming pool. I still recommend them but I cannot directly link to them per their request. I wish the relationship had not ended but all good things come to an end. At the end of the day, I still need to inform people who read my stuff where to buy Nootropics. Pure Nootropics is the next best vendor IMO in terms of the general stuff.
Wow I can't believe they cut you off! /:

Time to start your own company! I'm sure you would have plenty of customers myself included!


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