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Assistance with piracetam.
Hey everyone,

I am new to the community so any input helps. I recently have got my feet wet with nootropics. Primarily piracetam, sulbutiamine, and l theanine. I absolutely love l theanine for its anxiolytic effects and it’s synergy with caffeine. I am still indifferent to sulbutiamine, but that’s a whole different topic.

My question is, what is the best way to optimize piracetam. I have tried dosages varying from 800mg up to 6100mg the past two weeks. I noticed my “sweet spot” is around 1600-2100mg; still tinkering with the dosage in that range. How many times a day should I dose in that range? Should I take a bigger dose in the morning? How frequently do you dose throughout the day? And lastly, how long do the effects of piracetam work for you? 

Any advice helps. I really dig this whole community as I have lurked the threads, everyone seems rad and helpful. Cheers.

Also, I plan to incorpate Oxiracetam into this stack, what dose of Oxiracetam should I start with? what time of day should I take the Oxiracetam? Oxiracetam is taken once a day, correct?
I will take a large dose of it once in the morning and I have not found it necessary to dose multiple times a day. Maybe if i had the capsules I would try it but it tastes so disgusting I can't imagine choking down more then my single morning dose. Oxiracetam is a different story as its sweet (tried it a few times, like it, should try again.)

Btw I dose about 2 grams of Piracetam in the morning, sometimes I go a bit over with the powder so its not exact. Not a big deal. I would think 6 Grams is a high dose of Piracetam and you might be wasting powder...maybe someone else can give their opinions also.
I also find a single dose in the morning is suffeciant. I'll take a single 4 gram dose in the morning and be done with it, seems to last all day. You can certainly try dosing multiple times a day and see what happens. Watch out for side effects like headaches, irritability, etc and figure out when you need to pull back, or possibly add Choline to decrease negative symptoms.
you're welcome here! I'm new here too
Piracetam was a tad dodgy for me. Oxiracetam on the other hand is my brain fuel...a bit of Oxiracetam with my 6am morning coffee and Cacao powder is my ticket to the stratosphere. I'll take anywhere from 500mg to 1000mg. Currently experimenting with multiple doses a day plus a few hundred millis of Alpha GPC. Can't say the extra doses are helping beyond my one "sunrise" dose or that the Alpha GPC is contributing in any way. Have you tried Oxi? It's a good alternative to Piracetam if you aren't getting effects, probably even a decent Noot to stack alongside...tastes sweet like sugar.


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