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Extremely Lethargic? - lb1986 - 03-03-2020

Anyone else suffer this same issue?

I slept for 8+ hours lastnight and today i feel DREADFUL still. My body feels like lead and i have horrid anxiety and brain fog.

I could easily lay back down and go to sleep again. I have knocked back a coffee and 600mg Adrafinil to try and revive me a little.

Just wondered if anyone else has had issues like this and found a cause? I have read sleep apnea could be a cause? Not sure though.

I have tried to keep off stimulants as their a crutch for times like these. Trying to see if the Adrafinil might give me a jolt

Any ideas?

RE: Extremely Lethargic? - Fallon - 03-03-2020

I feel the same way most mornings, super heavy and lethargic. Do you get energy later at night? My energy levels are much higher at night, even my body feels lighter and less stiff. I think it could be how the circadian rhythm is setup. Your energy levels ebb and flow based on when your body releases cortisol and norepinephrine. Normally it's released in the morning to wake you up but I get the boost later at night. I also don't go to bed until that is a factor.

Nootropics and stimulants help but I'm still trying to get down to the root cause. Eventually I want to get a full blood test done to check for deficiencies and also testosterone levels.

RE: Extremely Lethargic? - Mags - 03-04-2020

Dumb question but are you drinking water and hydrated? Often overlooked!

RE: Extremely Lethargic? - lb1986 - 03-04-2020

I drink a ton of water Mags. Pee like a race horse most days lol

Hi Fallon. I'm the EXACT same. Feel AWFUL in the morning. Almost to the point of grunting to even lift up out of bed (I'm only 33 btw and not an auld codger yet) then like you i get this boost of energy as the day progresses. I have to workout later on in the day due to this. It's only really been the last 2 month tbh. I was taking a pre workout by a company that i just don't have faith in (Now anyway) ever since i stopped that pre my body has felt awful. I ordered a 1 sample of it to see how i would feel and boooom. I was alive and had energy for the full day. I stopped about 2 month ago and have just been downhill since. Spiked product? Wouldn't surprise me if it had an amphetamine analogue in their. (Did you ever try a pre called Craze? They found a meth analogue hidden in their! Sketchy company's) no sure if that pre and it's hidden ingredients has messed with my adrenals and or dopamine system? It was very similar to adderal with the effects. My heart rate was 110bpm just sitting chilling? That ain't no caffeine combo lol

Anyhow 2 month on i am still battling issues. I refuse to buy and touch that stuff again. That's just addiction to feel normal. Not worth it man. I have a doctors appointment to get my bloods drawn. Also will ask for a cortisol test alongside.

Do you know what triggered your issues?

RE: Extremely Lethargic? - ROTTEN POLITICIANS - 03-06-2020

Most Docs aren't properly trained in the nutrition department.

RE: Extremely Lethargic? - Liquid02 - 03-13-2020

Things that have helped me....

Losing weight, full blood panel (was low on vit D amongst other things), exercise and sleeping at least 6 hours deeply. Maybe you have sleep apnea where you stop breathing during sleep, can really disrupt energy levels if you are not sleeping properly. Hard to tell without full check up but seriously screw the medical system here in the states where everything is so damn expensive...good coverage can be hard to come by

Whiskey cheers