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Magnesium L-Threonate also known as Magtein is Magnesium bonded to L-Threonate, a vitamin C metabolite that is making it more stable and can be absorbed quicker.
L-Threonate makes it possible to harness magnesium and enhance the level of bio-availability, which makes it way more effective than standard magnesium supplements.

Magnesium L-Threonate is used for improving memory and cognitive abilities, with long term effect to slow down brain aging  when taken for an extended period.
Mg is a vital mineral that is present in our body and responsible for the well being of the brain and  nervous system. The average content of magnesium in the body is 25grams, and it is the component of bones, teeth and nerve formation, cell division and the building blocks of DNA.

In recent studies done at MIT and Tsinghua University on  Magnesium L-Threonate, it was found that connections between neurons were more inclined to grow and exhibit healthy, efficient communication behaviors. It was found this is noticable in hippocampus (memory function). Magnesium L-Threonate may achieve this effect partly by increasing cerebrospinal fluid in the brain.

It has also been shown that Magtein relieves chronic neuropathic pain, its used as sleep aid (insomnia) as its muscle relaxer and calms the brain.

Magnesium deficiency

It is believed that magnesium is one of the biggest mineral deficiencies in todays fast paced world.  It`s involved in over 300 enzymatic actions in our body.  It contributes to electrolyte balance, protein synthesis and yielding energy metabolism. Therefore presence of a balanced amount of magnesium is essential.

Deficiency can lead to:
* anxiety
* fatigue
* stress
* neurological problems (seizure, slow reflexes, motor nerves, reduced cognitive abilities, mental fog)
* depression

Standard magnesium supplements fail to penetrate blood-brain barrier, even taken in recommended doses it has little effect on the brain and neurological system.

Magnesium L-Threonate makes it possible to harness magnesium and enhance the level of bio availability. Magtein / mg l-threonate can croos blood-brain barrier!

Foods rich in Magnesium:

* Dark leafy greens as spinach
* organic dairy products like cheese, yogurt, and tofu
* Avocado (also plenty of vitamin A,E,C,K)
* Pumpkin seeds (also helps with absorbtion of L-Threonate)
* Sea veggies
* Nuts, pistachios, sesame seeds, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin see
* Real dark chocolate (also contains smaller amounts of caffeine) i`m saying real because most products we call chocolate actually has zero
* Fish (sardine, salmon, and halibut)
* Sprouts

Personaly i like to grab a spoon or two of sesame seeds on its own, It tastes good.

Magnesium L-Threonate Dosage (adults)

* 400 mg per day for men
* 300 mg per day for women

Note that products containing Magnesium L-Threonate  2000 mg per serving, will translate into approximately 140mg of elemental magnesium in a highly absorbable form.

I use powder at this point, 200mg in mid morning and 200mg late in the evening.
I believe its also a good thing to add some calcium, as mg is suppose to burn through its supplies. Ratio 2:1 if not mistaken.

Magnesium L-Threonate  negative side effects

Taking too much magnesium in any form can lead to serious side effects!!

For some, large doses of magnesium (over 350 mg per day) can lead to:
* low blood pressure
* irregular heartbeat
* intense brain fog

Extreme doses can result in death!!

It is recommended that magnesium is completely avoided by anyone with kidney issues or on kidney medication, it can result  as overwhelming  for the kidneys.
Also not safe for people who have been diagnosed with heart conditions.


I always find it so funny when standard magnesium suplements come as this water soluable pills. Misleading from manfacturers as they know it`s unusable and your money thrown down the drain. They should put a label on it "laxative", as it really is nothin else if not less in my opinion and by experience some family members have with these unuseful pills.

Magnesium is prone to pull water on it self as it is. Simply said, it bloats and that makes it to big for our body to absorb it, so our body just flushes it out. Wich is tho a good thing when constipated (if it actualy worked), but beside that it mainly just goes in and out
I`m also skeptic a bit about this magtein, they try to sell us everything these days, under pretense we absolutely need it. If you noticed one year something is almost essential and the next its totaly bad for you.    

Hope you find something useful in here and feel free to correct me when i`m wrong. You know how it is these days with information and all.  
Note that information may vary and this is writers view on subject. You should not solely rely on information provided.