08-03-2019, 10:15 PM
Lately I've had extremely good success with N Acetyl Cysteine. It's been a personal game changer and something I will probably take regularly until I see a good reason not to. I've found it almost completely smooths out morning anxiety and intrusive thoughts related to what I have to do for the day. As an example, I will usually have some anxiety thinking about the stuff I have to do, especially if those projects involve talking to people, or projects/activities with many unknown variables. My mind also extrapolates far into the future and generally sees only the negatives of a situation without thinking about the good that could come. I've gotten pretty good at recognizing these flaws in my thinking and can quickly snap out of most of them, but NAC takes things to the next level. The intrusive thoughts almost stop completely and I have more control over how I choose to think about something.
In the mornings, I also love coffee but the caffeine completely sky rockets my anxiety. L-Theanine is a must anytime I drink coffee. Many of you are familiar with L-Theanines synergistic properties with Caffeine. It completely smooths out the Caffeine jitters and makes the experience actually enjoyable.
The NAC + L-Theanine + Coffee in the morning is truly a thing of glory. The decrease in anxiety is notable and the positive effects of the coffee are enjoyed. Perhaps it's just me, but I don't seem to gain tolerance to caffeine. Everytime I drink coffee I pretty much get the same level of effects. I don't overdo it. 1 - 2 cups in the morning at the most. My uncle will easily drink 1 - 2 POTS of coffee and also smoke a pack of Marlboro Reds in a day. WOW! When he comes to visit the family my mom immediately sets out a giant ash tray and buys a ton of coffee, also stocking the fridge with Pepsi, his second favorite beverage he drinks all day. Now that's a stack.
The NAC and L-Theanine can be quite sedating and thus benefits from caffeine or some other stimulant. I will no doubt throw in some Phenylpiracetam to this stack and gauge the results.
Right now I'm taking 1000mg of NAC + 400mg of L-Theanine. This seems to be a good dosage range for now.
In the mornings, I also love coffee but the caffeine completely sky rockets my anxiety. L-Theanine is a must anytime I drink coffee. Many of you are familiar with L-Theanines synergistic properties with Caffeine. It completely smooths out the Caffeine jitters and makes the experience actually enjoyable.
The NAC + L-Theanine + Coffee in the morning is truly a thing of glory. The decrease in anxiety is notable and the positive effects of the coffee are enjoyed. Perhaps it's just me, but I don't seem to gain tolerance to caffeine. Everytime I drink coffee I pretty much get the same level of effects. I don't overdo it. 1 - 2 cups in the morning at the most. My uncle will easily drink 1 - 2 POTS of coffee and also smoke a pack of Marlboro Reds in a day. WOW! When he comes to visit the family my mom immediately sets out a giant ash tray and buys a ton of coffee, also stocking the fridge with Pepsi, his second favorite beverage he drinks all day. Now that's a stack.
The NAC and L-Theanine can be quite sedating and thus benefits from caffeine or some other stimulant. I will no doubt throw in some Phenylpiracetam to this stack and gauge the results.
Right now I'm taking 1000mg of NAC + 400mg of L-Theanine. This seems to be a good dosage range for now.