Nootropics Forum

Full Version: Long term efficacy in liquid?
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I've been enjoying noopept, choline, caffeine, and L-Theanine in powdered form for quite a while.

I also take liquid B complex.

I'm wondering what would happen if I figured out the right dosage and put all those powders in my B complex bottle.

Then taking my stack would be a two step process: 

1) Shake bottle
2) Take dosage with dropper

But, I'm not sure if being in the B complex liquid for a few weeks would destroy the efficacy or even go rancid.

Anyone know?
Off the top of my head I know some Nootropics won't dissolve easily into liquids, and the ones that do you have to use a specific solvent like propylene glycol. Can't be 100% certain they will dissolve into your b vitamin liquid.