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I know everyones got their preferences for choline sources and this ones mine. When I'm taking days off from some of the more stimulating nootropics I use to let my brain get back to baseline performance,  I still end up taking some alpha gpc during the day.
I stack alpha gpc with everything everyday, from lions mane to flmodafinil,  I'm consistently getting that focus and attention to detail that I seem to lack without it.
I couldn't imagine taking racetams without it, I can only imagine the freakin headaches I know I'd end up with. 
Just a mellow day with kratom and alpha gpc is cool to more demanding days with stacking multiple racetams, some noopept, some bromantane, some sunifiram...I really don't dig the thought of any kinda day without alpha gpc at this point. Wicked underrated when people think of nootropics, definitely not one of those flashy names that grab attention but definitely an essential part of every one of my stacks and all by itself as well! 
Much praise for my main choline source and most essential nootropic!

Yeah im a big fan of alpha gpc. Personally it's my favorite way to take choline. Obvious boosts to brain function, like I feel my thoughts form quicker. I will take it a couple times a week (Nootropics depot capsules, roughly $15 bucks.)

I do get a little depression when taken too many days in row, I hear the half life is long so one dose can last multiple days. Stacked with piracetam it's really good.