My Experience Using Piracetam For an Entire Year

When people ask me what nootropic to start with I always say Piracetam. Piracetam is the original gangster of the nootropics world and is the most widely studied and documented. In my opinion, it remains the most effective nootropic for increasing memory and enhancing verbal acuity. In this post I’m going to share my experience using Piracetam over the course of a year.

First Week

I remember the day I received my bulk powder Piracetam from Peak Nootropics. I tore into the box excited to get dosing. I read online about doing what is called an “attack dose.” An attack dose is taking more than the standard dose for your first dosing. This supposedly shocks your body into receiving the benefits of the nootropic faster than normal. I did not do an attack dose and chose to take the standard recommended dose at the time (1G)

I mixed it straight into a glass of water and chugged it down. That was the first and last time I ever did that. The stuff was extremely bitter and uniquely distasteful. Nowadays I’ll mix it in with fruit juice and slug it down.

I was naturally excited to see how things went from there. The first day I felt a slight buzzing sensation but this could have been placebo. Other than that it was hard to gauge whether or not anything was happening.

The thing is, a lot of people take nootropics thinking they will have some crazy drug like experience. Many take nootropics thinking they’re a legal way to get high. The effects are not drug like at all and very subtle. We’re talking about mental performance here, not YOLO.

Nothing much happened for the first week but I continued to take my dose of 1G a day.

Weeks 2 – 4

Weeks 2 – 4 were very interesting. By this time I had actually almost forgotten I had been taking the Piracetam. It was something I did everyday almost on auto-pilot. Because I hadn’t experienced any immediate results, I stopped looking for anything special to happen. Then one day I had a crazy experience.

While walking I suddenly had a memory flashback. When I was about 6 years old my dad had buried a treasure in the backyard and made a vintage map that lead to the loot. He burned holes in it and made it look very real. I just “happened” to stumble across the map and I spent the whole day searching the property for the booty. I dug up the treasure to reveal an old mason jar filled with gold coins, jewels, and other items.

For some reason this memory had been locked away in a vault. This was a memory I had completely forgotten about. It was literally like a flash and I saw the entire experience in my mind. All the details came flooding back. Like a flotation device held under water and then released, this memory rapidly surfaced to full blown consciousness.

It was an interesting experience. I mean, that has never happened before. It made me wonder what other memories I had either suppressed or completely forgotten about.

This was the moment I realized Piracetam was effecting me in a very real way.

Months 1 – 6

Month 1 was when I noticed positive changes to my verbal acuity. I’ve always struggled with taking ideas and processing them into language. I’ve always had an immense amount of ideas but very little skill in articulating them. In conversations I would often times find myself unable to keep up with people, in particular extroverts.

I would drift off into the background never speaking up. The change was subtle but I noticed I was engaging people in conversation, sometimes completely dominating the conversation. This was a first for me and certainly a welcome change from my typical response to social interaction.

Month 1 is when I decided to start cycling my dose as well. This is a good idea. You never want to grow tolerant to nootropics because they lose their effect.

After month 1 I started cycling in a 3 days off and 2 days on pattern. I also upped the dose from 1G to 4G. At this point I started to get headaches so I dialed things back to 2G and added Alpha GPC to the mix. The Alpha GPC cured the headaches and put an interesting spin on the Piracetam. I felt my ability to sit down and focus was even more enhanced.

I could hold many pieces of information in my head and multi-task on many different parts of my job.

Has Piracetam Re-wired my brain?

Flash forward to today and I’m still using Piracetam although much less frequently. Even though I’m taking it less frequently I feel the effects are still here.

It got me thinking that Piracetam has actually rewired my brain. Because it allowed me to process the world in a certain way for a long period of time, I feel my synaptic pathways have actually rewired to support this new enhanced memory and focus structure. Piracetam allowed me to build habits of work ethic that have carried into the present the day.

Final thoughts

I can’t recommend Piracetam enough for anybody looking to boost their memory, enhance conversational skills, or increase work ethic and focus. It’s a powerhouse nootropic and a great first choice when you decide to take the dive.

If anything, you might be surprised at what forgotten memories reveal themselves to you.




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