Onnit New Mood Review


Looking for a boost in mood? If you’re feeling low there’s lots of actions you can take to elevate your sense of well being. Nootropics and supplements offer a range of options for your pleasure and consumption. A nice pre made stack I recommend is Onnits New Mood. New Mood contains a number of powerful ingredients designed to work with your body to pump out loads of those feel good neurotransmitters.

How does New Mood work?

New mood works by increasing your natural levels of Serotonin. Serotonin is the primary neurotransmitter responsible for feeling at peace, happy, and calm. When your brain doesn’t have enough of this neurotransmitter you can easily dive deep into worry, anxiousness, and paranoia. You might notice your ability to fall asleep is inhibited and your mood is all over the place.

Serotonin is a crucial neurotransmitter for feeling good and at peace with your life situation. Healthy levels of this chemical will keep you calmer than a Buddhist monk with years of training even in the most nerve racking situations.

New Mood Ingredients


New mood contains a number of powerful herbs, vitamins, and minerals to bolster healthy levels of serotonin in your brain.

Valerian root extract – Valerian has made itself known as the most powerful herb to calm the mind and body. It’s been used since way back in the days of old as a relaxing tincture. Ancient civilizations would brew the flowers and leaves into a tea as an easy way to consume the benefits. If you find yourself racked with anxiety Valerian is going to tether your spirit back into a grounded center of peace.

Chamomile flower extract – another herb well known to relax your nerves after a stressful day. For me, Chamomile tea at night sets the mood for a restorative sleep. Your energy levels and mood are greatly effected by the quality of your sleep the night before.

Lemon balm leaf extract – Lemon is an elevating and cleansing helper in all its forms. Even the smell of lemon can provide a mental boost and ingesting lemon will cleanse and nourish the mind and body. Good to see this one on here.

Jujube seed extract – Jujube has its origins in China and has seen widespread use in traditional Chinese medicine as a powerful herb to treat restlessness. Following suit with the other ingredients, Jujube is another herb that’s going to calm you down, relieve stress, and elevate your sense of well being.

Tryptophan – Perhaps the powerhouse ingredient in the entire New Mood stack. Tryptophan is a direct precursor to 5-HTP, the chemical required to produce Serotonin in your brain.

5-HTP – The direct precursor to Serotonin. No 5-HTP means no Serotonin and no happy feelings. Just a dull existence.

Magnesium – One of my favorite minerals to calm anxiety and chill me out. Magnesium is known as the original chill pill. Magnesium has been shown to alleviate major depression, relieve anxiety, and counter a host of other physical and mental ailments. Stress causes you to use up magnesium at a rapid rate which depletes the bodies natural stores and leads to all the problems mentioned above. Reintroducing magnesium into your diet reverses the problems and restores the mind and body back to a healthy state.

Niacin (Vitamin B3) – Niacin is a vasodilator, increasing the diameter of your small veins and capillaries. This allows for more nutrients to enter your system at a rapid rate. Niacin raises good cholesterol and helps manage the bad forms.

Vitamin B6 – Another crucial B vitamin responsible for hundreds of critical processes in the brain and body. Most significantly, B6 facilitates the production of Serotonin.

Does New Mood Work?

Having experimented with all these ingredients, I can tell you that New Mood is definitely effective. It’s not something I would take during the day. For me, Serotonin makes me extremely calm and sleepy. This is a night time stack in my opinion although your experience might vary.

If you have crippling anxiety I can see this being used during the day to calm your nerves and allow you to function.

Serotonin is one of those neurotransmitters that effects everybody in a different way. For some, extra Serotonin puts them right to sleep (me.) For others, it’s perfect for increasing feelings of well being and going about the day with zero worries.

I can’t say for certain how New Mood will effect you. I can say that it WILL have some kind of effect. There are cases where people do not respond well to 5-HTP and Tryptophan. This is also NOT a supplement you would take if you’re already taking anti-depressants. The combination could lead to Serotonin Syndrome.

Overall, the ingredients are very solid and New Mood is worth experimenting with if you are finding yourself overly anxious or depressed.

Where to buy New Mood

You can purchase New Mood from the ONNIT website.

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