Nootropics and Tolerance

Tolerance when closely examined is baked into the very fabric of life in this universe. Simply put, it is the bodies way of stabilizing back to normalcy when introduced to a new chemical, substance or process.

You see, the body is always trying to reach a state of homeostasis….

And it only makes sense.

If you live in a chaotic environment (earth) it helps to have processes that can deal with the constant barrage of new and novel things. In this way, the body can maintain the core fundamental elements for the proper functioning for life.

Over time the body has adapted and figured out what chemicals and processes support life. It has the game cracked. It knows all the elements required for survival and doesn’t feel the need to take a risk on anything new.

Let’s say you’re playing a video game. If a particular method of beating the game works every time why would you risk trying something new? Well, maybe you would for the sake of fun. The body doesn’t take these risks because the result could be DEATH. Not exactly a whole lot of fun in that.

Because of this, your body is constantly adjusting based on what you put in it. It is constantly trying to balance itself out to reach this state of homeostasis. As you take nootropics, you might begin to notice the results aren’t as powerful over time.

This is called tolerance.

Even in your own life you can see the results of tolerance clear as day. Let’s say you get a new car. How long before the excitement wears off? How long before it becomes just like your last car? A week? Two Weeks?

Let’s say you get a new job. How long before you settle into the grind and the appreciative feeling you once had is gone?

How long before that new relationship loses it’s original magic?

Nootropics and tolerance

When taking nootropics, it’s important to take breaks from supplementation. If you take a nootropic everyday you will eventually become numb to the effects and require more of the nootropic to get the same result.

A popular method of ensuring the nootropics always retain their power is to cycle.

For example, taking them one day and then skipping the next 2 days. Certain nootropics like Phenibut require longer periods of abstinence because of their long duration of effect in the body.

If you’re using nootropics for anxiety or depression, having an alternative stack you can use on your off days is smart. Exercise can speed up the process of elimination. On your off days, consider doing some type of cardio, crossfit, or weightlifting. This will speed up the process of elimination and deliver powerful nootropic benefits.


In a perfect world, we could take nootropics and the effect on day 10 would be the same as the effect on day 1.

In a perfect world, our relationships would feel brand new every single day.

Until then, it’s important to take breaks from the things you love so they can return with the fullness of their magic.


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